In The Light Of Day

Uploaded: September 18, 2013 20:34:05 | Entered: November 25, 2015 19:08:30


Emerald Lake
Alberta., Canada
(In The Lens) :)

* * *

F 5.6, 1/125

(Lake Is A layer! Ha!)

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/1250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, ISO: 220, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 92.00 mm, Model: NIKON D90


Wm Nosal September 18, 2013

:) Oh Dear! Cool! #1545039

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 18, 2013

Hi Wm! What are you doing up so late?? :)


Ray level-classic September 18, 2013

Well done, Laura!Perfectly composed. #10848452

Wm Nosal September 18, 2013

Big Naps This Afternoon :) #10848453

Avril Young September 19, 2013

Good travel capture (or pose for a travel adventure) #10848485

Douglas Pignet September 19, 2013

very kewl well done #10848524

Gord MacEachern September 19, 2013

This is so cool Laura, very well done! #10848547

Terry Cervi level-deluxe September 19, 2013

What a beautiful self portrait of you, Ms. Lala!!! Wonderful! #10848632

William C. Raco level-classic September 19, 2013

Very well thought out and presented
Excellent work, Laura
Pleased to meet you! #10848971

Monnie Ryan September 19, 2013

Fantastic! #10849039

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 20, 2013

Outstanding - Great job with this Laura! #10849579

John Connolly September 20, 2013

What a remarkable portrait Sister Swanee! You have ewxcelled yourself with this one! #10849715

Cindy Bendush level-classic September 23, 2013

Very creative Laura! #10852255

Tammy Espino September 28, 2013

Aren't you a creative little devil!! :) Grea capture!! #10855234

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 01, 2013

Ehhh - I don't get it. One is a finalist and one is not even a EP!! Go figure.

Actually, of the two I would have chosen this one, SSSister - because of the 'reflection' in the lens. Absolutely brilliant!!!! #10858264

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 01, 2013

Hi everyone.

This was fun to take in the mirror that day and even more fun in DDR afterwards.

I like this one better than the one that got a finalist (that had no reflection in the lens)...I try and refrain from trying to understand the reasons why even the exact same images can get nothing and the other goes gold.

It makes us feel very lost in the shuffle for sure.

Oh well. At least we have each other right? And I am very grateful for all of you!

Thanks everyone. :D #10858816

Mary K. Robison October 06, 2013

Pom it takes your skills in the DD to "embellish" your already beautiful SP with a very cool reflection. Since the original shot made it to the Finals, I'll be interested in seeing what the judges do with this version... ;-D
Have a peaceful Sunday, Sweet Friend!

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 06, 2013

I guess they thought the other one was better, Mare. Lol...(I just noticed what I wrote above, too! A-hem!I must have been fed up)... I consider it a significant change, which is what they ask for if you re-enter an image.

BUT- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your kind words. They means a whole lot to me. :) More thank you know. xo

-Disgust-a-Pom :D #10863779

Nancy L. Green level-classic October 17, 2013

What a GREAT idea for a SP, VERY well done dear friend!!! <>< #10874334

Laura E. Swan level-classic March 20, 2014

Thank you Nancy! :D You're very kind!!


Jill Odice level-classic March 20, 2014

There is beautiful Laura :-) Great SP! #11004899

Ellen Hodges April 25, 2016

Strictly fab capture of your gorgeous self, Laura!!! #11465783

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic April 25, 2016

What a selfie of this beautiful lady. Amazing work Laura. #11466038

John Connolly October 01, 2016

It is nice to see this creative work again Sister Swanee!
Happy TKW Day! #11522926

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 01, 2016

Hi everyone! It's great to see you all! Thanks for all the kind comments! :D I felt so clever layering the lake in the lens! You should try something like that too!! HAPPY SNAPPING my talented friends!

-Sister Swan :) #11522945

Emile Abbott level-classic October 19, 2016

Good to see you Swanee. Nice reflection in the lens #11528302

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