Hollywood Eye

Uploaded: January 01, 2007 19:28:10


This is a macro shot of my eye. Used natural light and my camera remote. F8, adjusted contrast and overexposed. Enhanced color all on the camera.

Exif: FNumber: 4, ExposureBiasValue: 0/10, ExposureTime: 1.66666666666667E-02, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 100, WhiteBalance: manual white balance


Beverly A. Wright January 02, 2007

Very creative Stacy! This is so beautiful! I can vision this blown
way up matted and framed. Keep this one
for the streetfair in the spring!
I do love this, you have gorgeous eyes! #581456

Stacy L. Robertson January 02, 2007

I am gonna frame this one for my living room....I just loved how the colors turned out. Thank-you sweetness! #3773913

James E. Coleman level-classic January 03, 2007

Could easily create a poem for this! You know what I think of your eyes already. I agree with Beverly, very creative and of course beautiful!

Jim #3776551

Stacy L. Robertson January 03, 2007

Thanks Jim, I'm sorry I haven't e-mailed you yet, I have been so busy! I'll be getting back to you soon. #3776638

Crystal L. Craig February 24, 2007

Congratulations Stacy on making finalist with this wonderfully creative self portrait! Beautiful work! #3984765

John V. Roscich level-classic February 24, 2007

JOHN #3986707

James E. Coleman level-classic February 24, 2007

I rest my case!!...:)
Congratulations to a well deserved shot!
and to you!

Jim #3986902

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic February 25, 2007

Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round. #3991843

Stacy L. Robertson February 25, 2007

Thank-you so much everyone! I was shocked to get 3 finalists this month. Boredom pays off I guess. Thanks again! #3994120

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